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Some days I wish I could hide forever
and once I’m gone leave not a trace
of where I’d like to be.
Right now the tension’s ‘bout to snap—
lash at the ones holding it taught.
Some days, I’m so tired and weary and scared
I think things that I should not;
like running away.

Some days I wish I could disappear
leaving all the world behind me—
and go a place that’s better.
But what is better than now?
(Is later perhaps the grass that’s greener?)
Some days I want to reach out and touch and cry
for what I can see in the now;
such as cabbages and kings.

There are things that are hard to forget
Things that weigh me down
The kind you clutch and the kind that you desperately push away
A thought that seems unmovable
People that tear me down
The kind that are always there and the kind that are hard not to hear
I pound my fists against this wall
Made of time and thoughts and stone
And fail to notice the smallest crack
But notice the breaks in my bones
The thoughts, the people, the words
I desperately want to burn
Is like burning damp wood making my eyes sting
So I fail to notice the smallest spark
But notice the tears and blood
And fail to see the plant take root in the unmovable wall;
The spark grow bright in the unburnable wood.